Easter Holiday Program 2025
Welcome to Easter in the mountains with SkiGeilo! Here you'll find an overview of all our Easter activities.
Welcome to Easter in the mountains with SkiGeilo! Here you'll find an overview of all our Easter activities.
16:30 - 20:00: Night Skiing in Vestlia.
17:00 - 19:00: Kids Disco at Trollklubben and Friday Tacos at the Ski Café.
10:30 - 15:00: Ski Service and Ski Sale at Geiloheisen – Get freshly tuned skis in the slopes or check out great deals on skis.
14:00: Kids Race in Vestlia (for the youngest children).
16:00 - 21:00: A la carte and côte de boeuf evening at Kikut Bistro.
15:00 - 19:00: Apres ski at Havsdalskroa.
10:30 - 15:00: Ski Service and Ski Sale at Geiloheisen – Get freshly tuned skis on the slopes or check out great deals on skis.
14:00: Costume Race in Musikkbakken.
17:00: Geilo Grand Prix, starting in Halstensgård and finishing in Havsdalen. Award ceremony and After-Grand-Prix at Havsdalskroa.
0:30 - 15:00: Ski Service and Ski Sale at Geiloheisen – Get freshly tuned skis on the slopes or check out great deals on skis.
16:30 - 19:00: Night Skiing in Vestlia.
16:00 - 21:00: A la carte at Kikut Bistro.
Extended opening hours until 18:00 on the following lifts: Trollklubben, Trollheisen, Vestliaheisen, Kikutheisen, and Toppheisen.
07:30: Morning Ski in Vestlia.
14:00: Kids Race at Kikut (for the youngest children).
16:00 - 21:00: A la carte at Kikut Bistro.
13:00 - 19:00: Geilo's largest Easter Party at Geiloheisen.
- DJ
- Daniel Kvammen with his pop band
- Fuckups
- DJ
Extended opening hours until 18:00 on the following lifts: Trollklubben, Trollheisen, Vestliaheisen, Kikutheisen, and Toppheisen.
07:30: Morning Ski in Halstensgård.
16:00 - 21:00: A la carte at Kikut Bistro.
13:00 - 19:00: Geilo's largest Easter Party at Geiloheisen.
- DJ
- Halva Priset
- Loveshack
- DJ
10:30 - 15:00: Ski Service and Ski Sale at Geiloheisen – Get freshly tuned skis on the slopes or check out great deals on skis.
14:00: Kids Race in Vestlia (for the youngest children).
15:00 - 20:00: Apres ski at Havsdalskroa with Joakim Jølle closing the afterski season.
16:00 - 21:00: A la carte at Kikut Bistro.