
Sustainable Travel Destination and National Park Village

The national park village of Geilo is 800 meters above sea level, at the foot of Hardangervidda and Hallingskarvet. The destination holds the title "Sustainable Destination", and is located in Hol National Park Municipality. A sustainable destination is a destination that has implemented practices and strategies to minimize negative environmental impacts, preserve cultural heritage and nature, and, at the same time, contribute to the local economy and community development. Sustainable travel destinations aim to ensure that tourism is long-term sustainable and that both current and future generations can benefit from what the destination has to offer.

Tourism Strategy

Tourism is the fifth export initiative in the government's export reform program, 'All of Norway Exports,' which aims to make Norway a world-leading destination for sustainable tourism. The Geilo 2030 tourism strategy will ensure that we develop the destination in a balanced and sustainable way going forward.

SkiGeilo - With a Focus on Sustainability

Active ownership, extensive industry experience, and local affiliation create fertile ground for refining and enhancing Geilo as an alpine destination, in collaboration with other businesses and through the use of existing infrastructure. Together, we aim to establish Geilo as the country’s most attractive year-round destination.

Preservation of Culture, Nature, and Environment

We will continually assess the impact of our development on the landscape, nature, and outdoor values. We prefer to develop in our base areas, where we can mainly use and further enhance existing infrastructure, thus avoiding encroachment on natural areas. We focus particularly on developing accommodations suited for renting to ensure a more even flow of visitors throughout the year. Our development aligns with the guidelines in the "Roadmap for the Tourism Industry," issued by the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries in 2024.

We are committed to securing space for paths and trails connected to other infrastructure and activities. This approach ensures effective visitor management, allowing people to access nature and outdoor experiences without using a car. We aim to make recreation and nature experiences accessible to many people in a controlled and organized manner, minimizing the environmental impact. There is no doubt that alpine skiing is optimal for visitor management in Geilo, as it offers experiences central to the area.

We systematically implement concrete measures in the alpine facility to ensure more environmentally friendly operations. Among other initiatives, we are developing Dagali Solar Park, where SkiGeilo could become the first major alpine facility in Europe to guarantee the origin of its self-produced electricity. Solar power production will strengthen Geilo's position as a sustainable travel destination. It will represent a significant advantage in the competition for new tourists from nearby international markets in Europe.

We have also taken a step into public transport at Geilo by establishing the ski buses. These are already helping to reduce internal car traffic in Geilo. We aim to participate in more extensive public transport services in collaboration with other business entities and the Hol municipality.

Supporting Players and Contributors in the Local Environment

It is essential that the entire village is engaged and feels a sense of ownership over the opportunities and potential we have at the destination. We believe that transparency and openness about our plans and inviting participation will foster security and commitment.

Geilo has a rich history that carries long traditions. This cultural wealth is deeply rooted in our identity as a tourism destination, where the role of the host is highly valued. The alpine village of Geilo, known for its sports, international events, fun skiing, local heroes, and wonderful spirit of service, embodies values that have brought us to where we are today. It is crucial to preserve and continue these in our future development. Collaboration with local agriculture, interest in food culture, and awareness of national parks are essential tools. SkiGeilo is the primary sponsor of Geilo IL, perhaps the most significant arena for creating meeting places and social value among everyone in Hol Municipality. By participating in Visit Geilo, we aim to contribute to and take responsibility for the development of tourism in Hol municipality alongside other local actors. If you want to learn more about Geilo's diverse alpine history, we recommend the book "Historien om Alpinbygda Geilo," available for purchase in SkiGeilo's ski hire shop.

Financial Viability

A diverse range of local value creations in Geilo, Hol Municipality, and Hallingdal has helped strengthen our position as a competitive tourism destination. We believe that we can raise awareness by motivating people to support local businesses at all levels, from contractors to food producers. We aim to create a sustainable foundation for all industries across the municipality, enabling the realization of political ambitions concerning settlement, a quality living environment, and attractive workplaces.