Smaatroll White Havsdalen 4 years

For children who have never skied before or who are not able to stop or turn in a controlled manner. This is a group for beginners in which we use fun and games to teach students to have better control over their skis, including sliding, braking and turning on the easiest slopes, as well as how to use the appropriate lifts.

Ski school is for the children based on fun, joy and getting used to having skis on. Through playing and fun we are aiming to give the children a positive view on skiing.

Important: The child manages to be away from mom and dad during class.

Durance: 80 min from Monday to Friday

No. of participants: 2-3 participants

In the case of only 1 participant the course will run for less days, rather than cancelled. The course will run Mon-Thurs.

Please bring: Skipass og ski equipment (not included) and clothes/goggles etc. according to the weather

Meeting place: Outside the ski rental in Havsdalen

Contact information: SkiGeilo +47 32090000 or [email protected]
