Safety Guidelines and Course Grading

At Geilo Summer Park, we want all our guests to have fun and enjoy their time here. To ensure this, it’s important for everyone to be considerate of others and follow the safety guidelines and rules. By doing so, we can work together to prevent injuries and dangerous situations.

Sykkelpatrulje i Geilo Sommerpark

Our Safety Advice and Rules:

  • Cycling is at Your Own Risk: Please note that all cycling activities are undertaken at your own risk.
  • No Shotgun Child Seats: Shotgun child seats are not permitted on bicycles used for lift-assisted cycling.
  • Respect Others: Be considerate of both pedestrians and fellow cyclists. Always yield to those ahead of you and when approaching from behind.
  • Control Your Speed: You must always be able to stop for unexpected obstacles on the trail.
  • Avoid Stopping in Blind Spots: Do not stop in areas with limited visibility, especially after slopes and in turns. If you need to stop, move off the trail quickly.
  • Check Your Equipment: Ensure your bike is in good condition before heading downhill, with special attention to the brakes, suspension, and wheels.
  • Helmet is Mandatory: Wearing a helmet on the flow trails is compulsory.
  • Assist in Accidents: If you witness an accident, you are required to stop and help. The bike patrol can be reached at +47 90 68 83 35.
  • Minimize Wear and Tear: Avoid unnecessary damage by not locking your rear wheel in turns and on steep slopes, which can harm both your bike and the trails.

Trail Grading for Lift-Assisted Cycling:

Our bike trails in the lift-accessed area are classified as flow trails.

  • Green Trails:

    • Suitable for beginners. Trails with no or very simple technical obstacles. We recommend all beginners to start with a green trail before moving on to a blue one.
  • Blue Trails:

    • Suitable for slightly experienced cyclists with some technical skills. Trails with fewer obstacles and simple technical sections. These trails are suitable for both beginners and more advanced riders.
  • Red Trails:

    • Designed for intermediate cyclists with solid technical skills. These trails feature challenging obstacles and technical sections. Red trails are narrower and steeper than blue ones.
  • Black Trails:

    • For cyclists with advanced skills, offering a new challenge for those who can easily handle red trails. Black trails are very demanding, featuring large rocks, roots, gap jumps, and very steep descents. Currently, there are no black trails in Geilo Summer Park.

NOTS Rigid Rules

When cycling on trails other than our downhill trails, we advise you to follow the Norwegian Organization for Mountain Biking's guidelines:

  1. Be thoughtful and pleasant when meeting hikers.
  2. You always have a duty to give way to pedestrians.
  3. Limit your speed so that you are not a danger or inconvenience to others, especially along roads and paths that invite high speed, or in unclear sections.
  4. Slow down to walking speed well before passing others on a narrow path.
  5. Do not make new tracks, if you do not have the skills to overcome an obstacle, get off the bike.
  6. Avoid riding on particularly vulnerable trails just after periods of heavy rainfall.
  7. Don't make the trail wider by riding around puddles or obstacles.
  8. Carry the bike through marshy areas so that deep ruts do not form.
  9. Do not lock the rear wheel on steep downhill slopes.
  10. If two cyclists meet on a hill, the one cycling uphill has the right of way.