Christmas and New Years - Alpine group ski school, 3 days

3 day Alpine group course 25-27th of Dec or 28-30st of Dec


Duration: 80 mins from Monday to Thursday 

Age: From 5 yr.-Adult 

No. of participants: Minimum 3 per age/ level group to start the course

Please bring: Ski pass and ski equipment (not included). Also clothes/goggles, etc (suitable for the conditions).

Important info for parents: Make sure that the child has been to the bathroom and has eaten before attending the lesson

Meeting place: Slaatta (Timrehaugvegen 34, 3580 Geilo) 300m from Geilo train station and 150m from Dr.Holms hotel

Contact information: Geilo Skiskole +47 32090370 or [email protected]

All courses are tailored to the student's skill level and age.

Important that you select the right level, we cannot guarantee a slot in another group.

Group ski school is perfect for those who like to learn together with others. The course starts at Slaatta, Geilo.
